Bug Achievements v. 1.0
This is a list I made for Bug to complete throughout life. Since I will be working and she will be staying home, I decided to make her a list of things she could do, that I would reward her for and that would be fun. I took the model from "World of Warcraft's" Achievement system. As she completes them I will put up the date and bold the font while she earns rewards and praise from me :)
Completed Achievements are red and bolded.
This is a list I made for Bug to complete throughout life. Since I will be working and she will be staying home, I decided to make her a list of things she could do, that I would reward her for and that would be fun. I took the model from "World of Warcraft's" Achievement system. As she completes them I will put up the date and bold the font while she earns rewards and praise from me :)
Completed Achievements are red and bolded.
Learn to cook a full meal from scratch - 10
Grow your own fruits and vegetables in a garden - 20
Bake homemade bread - 10
Learn to mix 1 alcoholic drink well - 10
Complete the decoration of at least 1 room in the house - 10
Grow a GIANT pumpkin for Halloween - 20
Take 1 photo and have it turned into a wall photo in the house - 10
Incorporate a handmade craft into house decoration - 10
Learn to Crochet at the beginner level - 20
Total: 0/130
Reward: New camera
Health and Beauty:
Go 1 week without a tummy ache - 10 - 7/13/11
Try a new hairstyle - 10
Dye your hair an odd color (pink, blue, purple) - 10
Learn to make a completely “healthy” meal - 10
Straighten your hair everyday for 1 week - 10
Keep your fingers and toes painted for a month - 10
Do 50 pushups - 20
Graduate from walking to jogging - 10
Exercise everyday for a week with Sir - 10
Total: 10/100
Reward: New clothes
Watch LOTR: extended back to back in 1 day - 10
Watch all of the Harry Potter films over 2 days - 10 - 7/2011
Reread at least 2 Harry Potter books - 10
Read the “Story of O” subby book -10
Make a baby photo album - 10
Learn to play chess - 10
Write a short story - 10
Go an entire day without the internet - 10
Go an entire day without TV and the internet without complaint - 20
Make a scrap book about our life, and our secret life - 10
Total: 10/100
Reward: Spa trip
Raise 3 characters to level 85 - 10
Master a profession (up to 525) - 10
Tell an online friend about our relationship - 10 - 8-15-11
Make a sub friend - 10
Incorporate BDSM into a FB status update (Subtly, of course) - 10
Begin a sub blog - 20
Make 2000 gold from a single auction - 10
Put a new picture up on deviant art everyday for a week - 10
Incorporate subtle BSDM queue’s into your FB profile pic - 10
Post 1 set of nude pictures somewhere (with Sir’s permission, of course) - 20
Total: 10/120
Reward: WoW hoodie
Visit your Mom at least once a week for a month - 10
Take a family trip somewhere farther than 50 miles - 10
Catch a fish with Lily/Gavin and Sir - 10
Visit your dad once a week for a month - 10
Plan and execute a complete surprise for Sir - 10
Get a new pet - 10
Establish family holiday traditions - 10
Take a family picture - 10
Trace your lineage back 5 generations - 10
Total: 0/ 90
Independently learn a new way to pleasure Sir -10
Practice and succeed at deep throating - 10
Become genuinely enthusiastic about anal sex - 10
Learn to sleep well with a butt plug - 10
Have your pussy or ass fisted - 20
Have sex in every room in the house - 10
Have sex in the barn - 10
Have sex in the car - 10
Send Sir a spontaneous nude picture while at work - 10 8-25-11
Send another with heavy BDSM influence - 10
Total: 0/110 (90)
Reward: Fancy Dinner
Incorporate BDSM into wedding vows - 10
Stay tied up for over an hour - 10
Wear the body rope in public - 10
Wear a vibrator in public - 10
Have every hole filled with an object - 10 - 7/12/11
Pass 5 different training sessions with Sir - 20
Complete 10 different BDSM scenes - 20
Learn and memorize at least 75% of your rules - 10
Wear the collar in public once - 10
Total: 10/110
Read a newspaper article everyday - 10
Learn more about Science - 10
Learn more about Philosophy -10
Learn more about Submission - 10
Learn to dance better - 10
Learn more about another culture - 10
Read a book from the 1800’s - 10
Total: 0/70 Reward: New pair of glasses
Blow bubbles with Lily/Gavin - 10
Host a Halloween Party - 10
Go to the Psychic with Sir - 10
Make and bury a time capsule - 10
Attend a street faire - 10
Earn a trip to the Spa from Sir - 10
Fly a kite - 10
Catch a Firefly - 10
Go to at least 2 concerts in a year - 10
Total: 0/90
Reach the top of a mountain - 10
Gamble in a real casino - 10
Go parasailing with Sir - 10
Ride 4 wheelers for at least 25 miles - 10
Spend the night in the Cabin with no electricity - 10
Go skinny dipping with Sir - 10
Take Lily/Gavin to the beach - 10
Total: 0/70
Grand total: 50/990